Friday, January 6, 2012

Wrappin' it up

It's time to wrap up our week of cleaning and organizing!! I've had lots of fun sharing some ideas and learning some of yours as well! Keep the comments comin'!

Overview of the week:
Introduced you to my weekly cleaning schedule
Talked about how baskets, containers, and labeling help things stay organized and in their spot
Homemade laundry detergent on the cheap
Saturday deep cleaning ideas

Remember, if you do a little bit each day, cleaning won't seem like such a chore, and it won't take nearly as long, because everything will stay relatively clean!

Just to keep things real, I thought I'd post a couple pictures of how our living room looks 90% of the day (and this is actually a pretty good day)
 (You can't see the goldfish crackers smashed into the floor)

I especially love when my daughter adds to the decor:
Nobody's home is perfect, and I never want to give the illusion that mine is. A home has to be comfortable and livable for YOU! That is what is most important. I just hope this week has helped you take a few steps toward a home that is a little cleaner, a little more organized, and a little more comfortable for you! Happy cleaning and decluttering!

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